
Transfer/upload your save to your Enshrouded server

Created by: LOW.MS Support

Last modified: 1st February 2024

A quick and easy guide on how to upload your local or other host's save game to your LOW.MS Server

This guide walks you through the process of uploading your local save files for the game "Enshrouded" to our dedicated server. You can choose to upload your save files either as a zip file using a file manager or directly through FTP into the savegame folder.

  • Always take a backup of your save before trying to move anything.

Finding your save on your local machine
You can find this where you installed Steam. A example:

  • C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\6791309\1203620\remote
    Local files

Finding your save on your dedicated server
You can typically find this in the root directory, typically it is called 'savegame'.
If that folder does not exist, open up your enshrouded_server.json config file and locate the line:

  • "saveDirectory": "./savegame",

This will tell you how to find the save.

Dedicated server savegames

Uploading the save to your LOW.MS server

Option 1: Uploading via Zip on File Manager
Using the savegame files you found earlier, right-click all the fiiles and click "Send to > Compressed (zipped) folder." Re-name the zip or remember what it is called.

  • Access the Control Panel File Manager
  • Click on 'savegame'
  • Click on the three dots at the top right
  • Click Upload
  • Find the file you uploaded before.
  • Once completed, right click the zip and click 'extract'

Confirm that all files have been correctly extracted and are present in the Savegames folder.
If everything looks correct, your local save is now successfully uploaded to the dedicated server.

Option 2: Uploading via FTP into Savegame Folder
Download and install an FTP client if you haven't already (e.g., FileZilla, WinSCP).

Follow our FTP guide to get the details and to connect to your server

Once connected, open the 'savegame' folder on the server and then on the local side navigate to your folder e.g. C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\userdata\6791309\1203620\remote

Transfer the files over, overwriting the current saves on the server.

If you encounter issues during the upload process, ensure that your zip file isn't corrupted and that you have the correct permissions to upload files to the server.

For FTP issues, verify your FTP credentials and ensure that your FTP client is configured correctly.
For further assistance, contact our support team.

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A Enshrouded guide, let us know what other guides you want to see and we will get them published!

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